I think my husband thought I was somehow embracing a hidden bisexual tendency or something. Every morning the computer screen would be screening a peepshow of her next workout video, gasping and rasping sound effects and all. Yet there is no denying its effects. It makes you want to get off your butt and become a champion.
There is a moment when you find a way of moving your body that resonates so deeply that the results and benefits bypass any experienced before. For whatever reason Zuzana's program is it right now. I have finally seen amazing results that I never thought possible.
Here are the highlights of why Bodyrock.tv is an amazing body-sculpting regimen.
#1: Tabata Method (High Intensity Interval Training): This is an exercise strategy that is characterized by short and intense workouts ranging in length from 9-20 minutes. The idea is that instead of working out at low or medium intensity (like most cardio programs) for long spans of time, you work at your maximum level for short bursts, followed by a brief rest period.
Studies have shown some amazing findings with the Tabata Method and H.I.I.T. One study demonstrated that 2.5 hours of interval training produced similar effects as 10.5 hours of endurance training. It has also been shown that HIIT increases your RMR (the rate of your metabolism when you are resting) for the following 24 hours. During traditional cardiovascular workouts, calories are burned only during the workout whereas HIIT can boost metabolism for up to 24 hours after a workout. This is huge! Doing HIIT workouts helps the body retain and build muscle mass while traditional cardio can break down muscle after 40 minutes of a moderate-intensity cardio workout. HIIT creates lasting changes in the physiological profile of the body, in favor of muscle building, fat burning mechanisms.
#2: Time & Convenience: 20 minutes a day to a new, sculpted body? Yes!
I was so used to devoting hours to my workouts that I was at first wary of bringing it down to just 20 minutes a day. Yet because of the above benefits it works.
It is no wonder that most people are not achieving their body goals. If you walk into a gym and look around at the people on the treadmills, stair climbers or weight lifting stations, no one is really working out. They may be moving their bodies but are not moving at an intensity that truly impacts metabolism. Intensity in short intervals is time saving and more effective.
#3: Athleticism: Because most sports rely on short bursts of energy followed by lulls HIIT is used in fitness centers as the cutting edge approach to therapeutic performance training. If you want to perform better in these areas, HIIT is for you.
Also, Zuzana's exercises are not focusing on just one part of the body. She focuses on using the body as a whole unit. When you do the exercises like Zuzana they are a full body conditioning system that connect and strengthens the whole body of musculature.
#4: Inspiration: Zuzana may at first blush seem like a perfect body on display for sexual attention but if you really watch her work out you may be surprised. Her form is perfect, her conviction miraculous. Every exercise that she does she commits to with her whole body. You can see every muscle fiber be challenged no matter what movement is being performed. By the time you have watched the series of exercises you want to emulate the inner resolve by doing them yourself.
Zuzana's body is amazing. It is not something to use as measure of your progress or worth but rather as observing the potential of the human body in general. There is nothing insignificant about being inspired by someone who looks good. Admiration is a profound tool. When we have a teacher that inspires us just by their existence (either because of their physical body or energy) we are able to achieve greater possibilities in our own lives.
One Caveat: HIIT is grueling and intense. If you have any medical condition make sure to consult with your health care practitioner before beginning this routine. Take care to maintain impeccable form to protect and safeguard your joints.
Click on the link here to be taken to Zuzana's Bodyrock.tv website. This is what I do everyday. Be gentle and start off slow if you are just beginning to exercise. If you are an avid competitor you can dive into the community and post your daily scores.
In brief here is my daily workout regimen:
- 12 - 20 minutes of HIIT with Bodyrock.TV
- 40-50 push ups randomly at work whenever I get a chance
- Every other day additional Ab routine exercises
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